The Philippa Marlowe Detective Agency

The Lesbian Detective Novel Fan Site

We've moved!
The Philippa Marlowe Detective Agency has moved to it's new offices here. Please click on the link to go there and change your bookmarks if you have any :-)

This space will, hopefully, soon play host to a site devoted to Lucy, Kay Scarpetta's niece.

I'm afraid Pippa is out of the office on a case at the moment, but I hope I can help you. I'm Andy and I look after the office while the boss is out, Perry Mason had his Della Street, Philippa has me.

You are no doubt wondering what this page is all about?

The boss is a great devotee of lesbian detective novels, those tales of mystery and detection where the main protagonist is not only female but gay. However there seem to be few places on the internet which discuss this topic: hence her feeling that we need a website;

Like all the other good fictional detectives we spend much of our time sitting around the office waiting for clients to turn up with a juicy case for us (which we will end up solving for nothing). Therefore the boss suggested I could do something useful and make a start on it while she popped out for coffee, donuts, and other assorted cliches.

I set out to create a page which is more than just a hobby page for the author - along with all those Me, my cat, my life-long love of Star Trek pages you see. I'm working on putting up reviews of my favourite novels as fast as I can re-read them to remind myself of what I thought was so good. There are links to other pages which you might find of interest and I we now have links to publisher's home pages. I'd also like to include contact details for people's favourite independent bookstores which sell lesbian detective fiction too in the not too distant future.

Here is the content so far...........

Our book reviews

What is the attraction of the lesbian detective novel?

Links to other sites

One day I'd like to include a message board/discussion forum too, but that's in the future! I'd also be interested in content from you if you feel like writing some, why do you like lesbian detective novels? who are your favourite authors? etc. Please feel free to send me stuff and I'll consider putting it on the site.

If you visit this page, please send me an email to tell me what you think. First, because I'd like some visitor feedback; second, because I want to see if the email link works ok, and third, because I love hearing from fellow Lesbian 'tec fans!

Please email me: The House Geek. or if this fails mail my 'spam collection' account at

As this page is written using style sheets,
at the moment it looks better in Internet Explorer
than in Netscape Navigator

For technical details and credits click here

This page written and maintained by Andi Smart
The Philippa Marlowe Detective Agency.
Last updated 14/Sept/2001
With the addtion of new book reviews and some general
lesbian interest links